Council of Albany Neighborhood Associations CANA September 2, 1998 1. Introductions: 2. Minutes: Correction to May minutes: Item 1a- " Homestead Provision"- owners of"residential property" pay 48.1%; owners of "commercial property" pay 51.9%. Harold Rubin and Henry M Madej are not CANA Reps to Charter Revision Commission.- Each member of Common Council submitted up to three candidates for the Commission -the final selection was made by Bob VanAmburgh- former Council President. Mayor Jennings appointed the officers. June minutes: Names misspelled on the attendance portion: Helderberg NA, Aimee Allaud, Sheriden Hollow NA. Emily Grisom moved to accept, Craig Waltz 2nd. 3. Communications and Announcements: a. Albany Public Library Sept. newsletter "APL Bookends" circulated b. Urban Corridor Study along Western and Washington Avenues; Parking & Transit underway to assess the impacts of University and colleges- will report at next months meeting. c. CANA should probably revitalize Zoning Committee. We received a letter from Pat Nelson regarding lack of public notice of agenda items of the Board of Zoning Appeals despite 1994 legislation requiring such notice. Marggie will contact to Carol Wallace on this issue. d. Press conference was held September 1, 1998 at Hudson Ave. and Quail St. by Mayor Jennings to announce new ordinance that authorizes city officials to issue court appearance tickets for violations of city codes. Henry Madej and Tom Gebhardt also spoke. See Toms report below. 4. Old Business a. Personal Safety and Off-Campus Affairs : Thomas L. Gebhardt Next meeting: Weds., Sept. 9th at 7:00pm at the APD Traffic Safety Building: 526 Central Ave. Update on SASU proposal to originate this years homecoming parade from the Pine Hills Neighborhood. Another proposal to publish tavern owners names and phone numbers for neighbors to call if there are problems at their establishment. Update/Evaluation of Fall 1998 "13 Point Plan" Also passed around doorknob handouts regarding a) Student Parties and noise ordinance in Albany and b) the aforementioned 1998 Health, Safety and Sanitation ordinance which states: "All property owners or persons occupying or having control of property within the City of Albany shall at all times maintain that property and the adjoining public ways free of litter, debris, excessive accumulation of animal waste and hazards". (part A. Section 313.40). Appearance tickets can/will be issued to violators." b. Community/Police Relations: Maria Paraselli New meeting time & day: Second Wednesday of the month: 5:30 p.m: Mayors conference room. Edits of Brochure/Handbook to be finalized by the end of this month and sent for printing. A.C. Epting would like to discuss regional problems and ongoing problems; would encourage brainstorming for solutions. Albany now has 12 Bike cops and its own trainer. Dick Carroll suggested that a system be put in place whether it be "floaters" or temps. to step up when a supervisor is either out or suspended, etc. So that complaints and problems have follow through and follow up &/or someone is available. Maria is in search of another CANA delegate, would prefer a representative from the North end or Arbor Hill area. Maria can be reached at home at 465-0196 or at work at 486-6208. Community/Police Relations Week is to be held in October. Open Houses will be held at all four Stations. (Schedule enclosed) c. Albany BIDS Vickie Stoneman of the Lark Street BID has moved from the area and her position is open. d. Permit Parking: Stalled, did not pass legislature. Will need to be proposed to the Common Council again. e. Albany Library: Face lift has not yet happened, no news as to when branch will be closed so that needed repairs can be done. A new branch is to be opening in North Albany, as reported by Grace. White. Now need O.K. on funds from Mayor Jennings for expenditures on books and personnel which are not included in the bond or current budget. f. Homestead: Taken off agenda. Much testimony against it. City taxes hang in balance. School taxes which were a separate matter have been approved already. Marggie asked if another letter should be written regarding this matter. It was agreed that yes we should, Craig made motion and Cynthia Galavan 2nd.
New Business: September 28th at 7:00 p.m. at the Hoffman Park Building there will be a meeting sponsored by Second Ave. NA and South End Weed & Seed, introducing head of the FBI, (who has moved into the Pine Hills area). The FBI have settled into their new offices for part of their community initiative and partnership with Albany Police. They are to concentrate on white collar crime, drug dealers, money laundering, and the like.
Charter Discussion: Mike Whalen, Henry Madej and Mary Ellen OConnor- distributed copies of Charter proposal that was submitted to the Mayor on Thursday Sept. 3 for consideration by the voters at the November election. Mary Ellen also distributed her draft "Peoples Charter" as a contrasting document. Discussion centered on the document that will be on the ballot and on the review commissions proposed $55,000 "public education program" with most of the money earmarked for 30 second TV spots over a 2 week period. Cynthia Galivan announced that CANAs charter committee would meet in the next couple of weeks and make recommendations at the October CANA meeting. Interested people should contact Cynthia at galivan@mindspring.com. There are pluses and minuses to this document. Which are more important? What happens if it is defeated- is everything lost? Come back in October. Attendance: Don Wardle United Tenants: Cynthia Galivan Manning Blvd NA Keith St. John Historic PasturesNA : Dominick Calsolaro Second Ave. NA Mary Connair DANA: Dick Carroll DANA Craig Waltz Helderberg NA : Thomas Gebhardt SUNY Gene Solan PHNA:
Shearer Park South NA Dan Potter WHNA/ CDARPO: Robert McRae CDARPO/Mansion NA Elfrieda Textores SECC: Grace White Melrose Emily Grisom Sheridan Hollow NA: Mike Whalen Charter Review Mary Ellen OConnor Charter Review: Howard Stoller Melrose NA Marty Gawoski West Hill NA: Bob Sheehan Helderberg NA Henry Madej PHNA/ Charter Review: Christopher Lindsay Beverwyck NA Ed. Fitzpatrick TU: Marggie Skinner CANA/PHNA |