Minutes of April 4 Meeting
President Marggie Skinner called the meeting
to order at7:03 p.m.
1. President Skinner welcomed those present and all
introduced themselves.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated by
e-mail. Copies were circulated.
3. Communications/Announcements
materials and maps for the NCAA hockey tournament were distributed
-Harold Rubin
circulated a brief questionnaire about NA meeting dates and times. Results will
be used to coordinate community activities.
-Spring issue
of “Capital Neighbors” was distributed
-CANA has sent
second notices about payment of dues and naming of delegates
-there was one
zoning notice
-Marggie sent
a resolution from CANA to the City’s Planning Board requesting an impact study
be conducted prior to proceeding with changes proposed for Swan Street .Planning
Board did vote to require a study.
-CANA received
a letter from Wanda Lubinski who is concerned about fees being instituted at New
York State employee parking lots
Burke-League of Women Voters, Oregon Congressman, expert on “Smart Growth and
Urban Living” coming in early October. Might this be a CANA meeting topic?
to f Schools Lonnie Palmer sent a letter 3/12 to NA presidents concerning the
School district’s search for a middle school sites. They are still open
to suggestions.
-April16-22 is
National Community Development Week.
Racism in Albany County through Community dialogue will
have a kick off celebration Sunday, April 29, 3-5 p.m. at Armory Center.
Avenue NA Plant Sale May 19, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hoffman Park parking lot
community announcements were circulated
4. Committee Reports
A. Committee on University and Community Relations-
Tom Gebhardt. Committee is preparing for end-of semester activities and is
publicizing safety tips for the holiday break. A proposal is being made to
do astudy of the community/campus coalition.
B. Community Police Council-no report at this
C. QOL Surveys Year II Harold Rubin
reported for David Phaff. A new survey format has been approved. Content
is finalized. Times Union will not provide printing, soCANA will seek
funds from Neighborhood Resource Center, Price Chopper, others. Grants will be
needed to continue the survey in the future. Distribution: Stewarts,
libraries, Albany Housing Authority, Times Union; NOT schools or supermarkets.
Howard Stoller will post the form on the CANA website and people can complete
there. Weekend of 4/27 & 4/28 survey packets will be prepared. At May
CANA meeting will assemble boxes and signs for community distribution.
D. Neighborhood Resource Center- NRC is seeking
nominations for its annual awards. Nomination forms were distributed. Deadline
is April 10. Awards ceremony is May 15 at JCA. Harold Rubin gave a
reminder that NRC is a membership organization. Please join. Members were asked
to review the NRC neighborhood contact list to insure correct contact
E. Schools
a. -(Craig Waltz) CANA schools committee met last week.
Suggested setting up a forum in neighborhoodre: proposed Westland Hills
Park site for middle school. Invite all involved parties. This is be
important especially if we need a Home Rule messagefor Legislature as park land
is involved.
b. (Jim Tierney) People Advocating for Small Schools
(PASS)-Described Schools Facilities Improvement Plan. Distributed brochure.
When facilities planning process seemed to reach an impasse in January, a
group of about 20 people got together to form PASS to support the facilities
plan. Jim circulated a sign-up sheet for anyone who wanted to join PASS.
A number of questions and comments followed from those in attendance.
-How much space is needed forthe school? Usually 16 acres for
middle school, special allowance due to green space in the park
-After cost overruns on Whitehall Road, why should voters approve a bond?
Current Superintendent and several current School Board were not in
office at that time.
-Should city mayors control schools rather than elected boards? No
-What is the racial makeup of Albany City School Students and what will
determine which students will attend which schools? Don’t know.
-Paul Bray noted that there is precedent for land trades, it was done recently
for the landfill.
-Pat Maxon of Upper Washington Avenue NA asked that fellow CANA members consider
the concerns of people with homes near Westland Hills Park as the area becomes
the focus of School District planning at this very late stage of the process.
-Jim Sano expressed his feeling as an educator that appropriate physical plants
are important for educational programs
F. Lincoln Park-(Tom McPheeters). Planning and work
continues. A resolution by CANA to support rehabilitation, encourage NA’s to
make use of thepool, appoint a committee to explore holding CANA’s 25th
Anniversary celebration at the pool (McPheeters/ Texores) was passed by those
present. Tom will also send letters to each NA.
G. CANA Operations:
a. Dominick Calsolaro will run for the City Council seat
to bevacated by Carol Wallace. This leaves avacancy on the CANA Executive
b. CANA needs a secretary. This is a part-time position
with a small salary.
Other items- (AaronMair) Bridge to the Hudson Riverfront
had ribbon-cutting today. Aaron reported on a protest held at theceremony,
with a display of “Goldbricksfrom Arbor Hill”. Protesters feel the new
project benefits suburban commutersrather than residents; it focuses on those
who drive rather than those whowalk; they feel that it is part of an overall
plan that highlights downtown asa special destination for visitors rather than a
sustainable community forresidents. Aaron also objected to acomment in a
recent newspaper article that Arbor Hill is “leaderless”. A resolution
was made to “request full environmental scoping forthe SEQR process in
sale or transfer of properties for communities of ArborHill and throughout the
City of Albany” (Mair/Yates). Passed.
Neighborhood Planning andC-1 Programs Kate
Frank &Lori Harris, Planning Office
Lori began by responding toAaron Mair’s comment about the Times Union quote.
She noted that her interview with the Times Union was edited,including
only part of what she said about Arbor Hill.
In answer to the question “What is the City ofAlbany’s vision of itself?”,
thebooklet “Capitalize Albany: Building a Better Albany” was
distributed. Capitalize Albany’s 5 year anniversary was March 28. The map in
thebooklet outlines investments made to date. Lori posited that a city with
insufficient revenues cannot providequality services. The goal has been
tostabilize the city financially in pursuit of this vision.
A recentfocus
has been on a capitalized Redevelopment Authority to access resources forlarge,
“transformational” projects like the recreation of Fort Orange.
Kate Frankhas
been on the job in the new position of neighborhood planner for about onemonth.
She described her work with acommunity development agency, then her move
to a position as Planning Directorfor CT Male. The job involved
grantwriting, GIS, & environmental impact work. She has an MS in regional
planning and is a credentialed city planner.
Kateengaged in
discussion with those present re: early neighborhood planning andthe Lincoln
Homes project.
official responsibility is the C1 Projects. She discussed the chronology
of the project(s) to date ,commented on the divergent characteristics and needs
of the areasparticipating. She also finds outreachto those who might take
part challenging.
commented on delays in C1 execution, particularly on Allen Street.
what she sees as City government’s role as partner for neighborhoodimprovement:
City as technocrat,helper, facilitator. Need models forregular
dialog with neighborhoods to establish collaboration.
the feeling that the city gets better at C1each year as a way ofinvesting in
itself. Comments were madethat planning in Sheridan Hollow did not allow
for neighbors’ input. It was noted that the City agency has
usedRensselaerville Institute facilitators to create open dialog.
are C1 projects throughout the city. C1Plan on Henry Johnson Boulevard has moved
forward the least.
to how city residents will relate to Kate in her new position. What would
happen if people called her withall possible issues? What issues doesshe
want us to bring her? Kate is interested in hear about possible models
forworking together.
Yatespointed out that CANA participants and neighborhood activists like living
inthe city but it gets harder every year and is “wearing us down” due
toperceived lack of support from city government.
Harold Rubin commented that Block of the Yearprogram does not achieve its goals.
This point was supported by NA’s present.
T. McPheeters proposed providingfunds to neighborhoods to do their own planning.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Pat Maxon, Upper Washington Avenue Neighborhood
your humble fill-in secretary
Craig Waltz, HELD
Marggie Skinner, PHNA
Anne Brewster, WPNA
Betsy Shearer, PSNA.
Christopher Lindsay, BEV Rev. Joyce Hartwell, LIFE
Clare Yates, CSQ.
Colin McKnight, MANS
Cynthia Galivan, MANG
Don Wardle, UTA
Bob Bailey WPNA
Elizabeth Griffin, HAF
Fred Perkins PHILL
Gene Solan PHNA
Harold Rubin CSQ.
Henry Madej, PHNA
Jim Tierney, PHNA
Joyce Rambo, CSQ
Kathleen Kearney HPNA.
Kathy Hodges, GUILD
Mac Mowbray, HPNA
Marty Gawoski, WHILL
Mary Connair, DEL
Nathan Black, AHCC
Pat Maxon, UWNA
Paul Bray ROUND
Steve Stella, APD
Steve Winters, SANA.
Thomas Gebhardt UNIV.
Tom McPheeters, MANS
Howard Stoller, MEL
Dan Egan PLYM
Amy Furlong SHNA
Jim Furlong SHNA
Lydia Polgreen, TU
Richard Conti, COUNCIL
Margo Janack CDTA
Donna Langan CSQ
Emily Grisom SHNA
Keith St. John PAST
Holly Katz MANS
Joan Strauss HPNA
Kate Frank CITY
Andrew Harvey PSNA
Rodney Davis DANA
Elfrieda Textores SECC
Don Dugan HELD
Lori Harris CITY
Carol Saginaw LWV
Aaron Mair AHCC