6-6-01 Attendees
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Council of Albany Neighborhood Associations
Meeting Minutes of
June 6, 2001
Albany Public Library
- The meeting was called to order by Howard Stoller, CANA Chair.
- Introductions
- Minutes:
Minutes of the May 2, 2001, meeting shall be corrected to
indicate that the PEF representative at that meeting was Jeff Sax, rather than
Jeff Staats.
· Officer Paul Pierce distributed
information about the New York State "Watch Your Car" program and
explained the Decal and VIN Etching Programs. Decals and etching are
available to members of CANA free of charge at the Traffic Safety Division
or West Unit station. This is a nationwide program, and owners of etched or
decaled vehicles receive 2-5 percent discounts on automobile insurance.
· With regard to the proposed placement of a
new middle school in Westland Hills Park, Pat Maxim made a motion for CANA
to call upon the City of Albany to require a full environmental quality
review prior to consideration of transferring any property in Westland Hills
Park to the City School District of Albany prior to the June 13 meeting of
the mayor and Youth and Recreation Committee of the Albany Common Council.
The members adopted the resolution with a vote of 17 in favor, 3 opposed and
3 abstaining.
· George Hoffman requested direction from
CANA in seeking to resolve the problem of noise and traffic on Madison
Avenue, particularly in the Hudson Park Neighborhood. With regard to the
issue of taxicabs he was referred to APD Officer Curt Richie at the Traffic
and Safety Division. It was suggested that he bring his concerns to the
attention of his alderman.
· Gene Sloan made a request for volunteers
for the planning committee of the 2001 Neighborhood Convention to be held in
October or November.
- University & Community Relations—Tom Gephardt
The next Committee meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, June 13 at
the Albany Police Department, 526 Central Avenue. At that meeting, the
committee will begin planning for the return of college students to the
neighborhoods and receive updates on the three committees on which the
University and Community Relations has representation—Campus
Community Crime Prevention Coalition, the Keep Albany Beautiful Committee, and
the Pine Hills Parking Committee. An advertising campaign entitled Secure
Summer 2001 is underway.
- Community Police Council—Maria Parisella
"Officer of the Year" Lt. Steve Stella and the "Citizen of
the Year" Mark Yolles were honored at the Committee’s May 16 meeting at
City Hall.
A report on plans for the City’s "Community Night Out" was
made. Members are strongly encouraged to advise their community relations
officers and station commanders of their plans for this event in writing or
e-mail and invite the community relations officers to their planning meetings.
There is a need for volunteers for this event, particularly for trained
clowns. There is consideration for changing the dates of future Community
Night Out events from August to September to maximize participation and
attendance of both residents and police officers. Many residents and officers
are on vacation in August and unable to participate.
3. QoL Surveys…Year II—Harold Rubin
Approximately 1300-1400 surveys have been returned and coding has begun. In
reviewing the surveys it became evident that there may be an unawareness of
the boundaries of each Association as well as the fact that some older
Associations may not have registered their addresses with the City Zoning
Board to be notified of hearings that relate to properties that are of
concern. Association presidents should send a list of properties in their
neighborhoods for which they want to receive notices to the City, Helen Black
and Harold Rubin. Addresses will additionally be posted on the CANA website.
- Lincoln Park Pool—Dan VanRipper
Opening day for the Lincoln Park pool is June 22. There will be a meeting
on June 7 to further consider extending the hours at the facility so it may be
used for evening events.
- CANA 25th Anniversary Party—Helen Black
Volunteers are needed to assist in planning this event and were directed to
speak with Helen at the adjournment of the meeting.
- Airport Noise Committee—Ann Savage
Attended a recent meeting where consultants presented and discussed two
studies. The first study described the plans for a five-year abatement
program. In the second, consultants presented information about the present
issues with airport noise within the nine-mile radius of the airport. This
may or may not address noise in the Plymouth and Melrose neighborhoods where
the problem is the greatest. The Committee will review and analyze the data,
recommend policies and present them at a future CANA meeting.
spoke about several legislative issues facing the City of Albany.
- Insurance Reform: Supports the marking of autos. The assembly is
presently debating insurance reform; New York is one of the most
profitable states for insurance companies.
- Permit Parking: Asb. McEneny is the lead sponsor of a bill addressing
this issue that was the subject of heated debate in the Assembly on
Monday, June 4. This bill, which is not supported by PEF and CSEA,
passed the Assembly by an 86-54 vote and has been passed to the Senate.
- Proposed placement of the third middle school in Westland Hills Park:
Has not received home rule message from mayor and common council.
Subsequent to receiving that message, there must be a referendum in
November and then be considered by the legislature.
- City Finance: $27 million proposed to compensate the City for the
taking of land to build the Empire State Plaza 30 years ago has passed.
- Women’s Health Care: Bill has not been delivered yet, but supports
the present version.
- Rockefeller Drug Law Reform: Something may be proposed in this
session, but presently the houses don’t agree. May not be retroactive.
- Culture, tourism and archeology: Many positive programs and events
- School Aid: Legislature has increased for local schools.
- Charter Schools: Does not support present structure.
- Brownfields Superfund: Supports for City; believes a bill will come
together in this session. However, due to budget restrictions, Albany
may not be included.
- Reapportionment: Proposals are presently not sensitive to race,
neighborhoods, or communities with a lot in common. Several
"blocks" are not represented. Has contacted the Census office
and was referred to Washington. This problem cannot be resolved prior to
reapportionment. This effects elections and can result in court
- Urban Homesteading: Opposes the present and proposed bills because
they don’t include a comprehensive plan for entire neighborhoods.
Wants homesteading addressed by block, rather than by building.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM by Harold Rubin.