Appendix VI
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CEQL Questionnaire # 2

This questionnaire is available in PDF format.

What’s Bothering You In Albany?

The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine what issues the residents of the City of Albany believe

are most pressing regarding building code enforcement and the quality of life within our neighborhoods.

This project is sponsored by the Council of Albany Neighborhood Associations’ Code Enforcement –

Quality of Life (CEQL) Committee and is approved by the City of Albany’s Mayor’s Office. Results will be

used to effect changes within each neighborhood and will be used to measure progress in future "report cards".


This survey is to be filled out by City of Albany residents only.

Please check off the five issues that are most important to you. Be certain to answer the four questions below in order for this data to be tabulated at a neighborhood level. This does not require revealing your address or identity. Only surveys with these questions completed can be counted. Return surveys to addresses on back.

Family Issues

Unattended children, latchkey environments

Drug dealers/Drug houses

Group homes

Grouper law not enforced


Environmental Issues

Lack of trees & shrubs as visual screens to lots, yards

Improper lighting on private property

Illegal home businesses, ie: car repair shops & car sales

Graffiti, illegal signs, notices on utility poles

After hours bars

Noise - Loud car radios, parties

Street lighting

Overall city cleanliness

Garage sales

Abandoned Shopping carts

Abandoned or unregistered cars


Health Issues

Garbage in street and/or yard

Garbage rules not followed on pickup days

Dogs – not under owner’s control

Animal feces not picked up

Sidewalk & street repair, maintenance

Sidewalk shoveling in winter


Building & Property Issues

Boarded up buildings

Abandoned buildings

Business property planning & maintenance

Residential rental property maintenance

Illegal or non-compliant parking lots or no green buffer

Unlocked entrances to multi-family dwellings

Lawn parking


Enforcement & Penalty Issues

Incentives/initiatives to encourage compliance

Judicial process for repeat code violators

Master plan for city (re)development

Practical building code manual / guide for citizens

Building code adequacy

Occupancy in violation of zoning

Problem complaint & resolution process

Parking rules & enforcement

Police response time

Meaningful financial penalties for violators


Social & Related Issues



Public schools & education

NIMBY attitude (Not In My Back Yard)

Walking police patrols

Please answer these questions so we can use this data:

Your neighborhood association name: _____________________________________________

OR Your approximate address: _________________________ between ____________ and ______________

The name of your street Cross street Cross street

Your age: Gender:  Female  Male Do you:  Own or  Rent your home?






Thanks to the Albany Times Union for distributing these surveys, to the Albany City Council – PTA the Albany Public

Library branches and Stewart’s Shops for their participation. See other side for return information.